Our Programs & Events

Join Us in 2024. We are excited to welcome you!

Our offerings are growing and transforming with the season.

Please join us to recharge with the expansive energy that the summer light brings to this very special place. We are so pleased to present programs that explore topics important to harmonious living, well-being and contemplation in nature.

Retreats with Special Guest Teachers

  • Tasting God: A Weekend Seminar/Sohbet with Taj Inayat and Himayat Inayati

    June 22 - 23

    This weekend we will explore four stages of interacting and being with the Divine: tasting God, drinking God, being taught by God, being prepared by God. This culminates by bringing an ethos to personal practice, that which Hazrat Inayat Khan called Akhlak Allah where “One thinks, speaks, and acts according to the pitch to which one’s soul is tuned.”

  • Making Friends with Life: Manifesting Loving Kindness and Compassion

    August 23-25, 2024

    with Pir Shabda Kahn

    supported by

    Murshid(a)s Abraham, Halima Sussman and Himayat Inayati

Upcoming Events

HuDost in Concert

Wednesday June 19 at 7:30pm

June 19 at 730

HuDost returns to their home-away-from-home to give a concert at the wonderful Abode of the Message on the birthday of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan.

Spice Caravan Dinners with

Iromee Gale

Wednesdays 5-7pm starting June 19th

Email frontdesk@theabode.org for questions

Many thanks to Maestro Ustad Shafaat Khan and Daniel Johnson for a magical evening of classical Indian music on June 3rd. We are already excited to welcome you again next year !

Community Offerings

  • Community Tai Chi

    Mondays at 5pm in the Meditation Hall

    Take time to breathe, reflect and refocus with this offering of Tai Chi led by certified instructor Sifu David Crowe from Berkshire Tai Chi.

  • Sundays at the Abode

    Universal Worship at 11:00 am - all welcome

    ~Third Sundays of every month a full brunch is served followed by Dances of Universal Peace

    The Universal Worship is an inclusive service in which we explore and appreciate the unity of the world’s religions.

  • Women's Singing Circle

    Every second Sunday at 4pm in the Meditaiton

    Join a gathering of women who love singing and sharing favorite songs together.

    Donatios gratefully accepted

    RSVP: frontdesk@theabode.org

Questions? email programs@theabode.org

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